Birmingham Driving School

Driver and Instructor Training

0121 429 5226

Viewing and Sharing Driving Licence Information A Driver's Guide

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Viewing and Sharing Driving Licence Information A Driver's Guide

Viewing and Sharing Driving Licence Information A Driver's Guide

Viewing Or Sharing Driving Licence Information A Guide For Drivers

This guide has been prepared by Birmingham Driving School, and is intended to provide general information to help drivers to understand Viewing or Sharing Driving Licence Information and to stay legal; whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date, it is not intended to be a legal guide.

The GOV.UK website has the facility for you to view your driving licence information.

this will include details of vehicle categories that you can drive and also details of any penalty points or disqualifications.

To view your driving licence information you will need:

There will be occasions when you may need to share your driving licence information with others.

There are understandable and legitimate reasons why someone will need access to your driving licence details before you drive their vehicle.

You might need to share your driving licence information with:

The information can be shared either:

Your Driver Number and your National Insurance Number are both important items of personal data

There are reasons that you will sometimes need to share these details, but take care with who has access to your personal data, it can be possible to use personal data for illegal purposes.

This guide has been prepared by Birmingham Driving School, and is intended to provide general information to help drivers to understand Viewing or Sharing Driving Licence Information and to stay legal; whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date, it is not intended to be a legal guide.

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